Successful clients
This are some of our current clients, of course at the beginning (3-5 Months) they haven't seeing income results in their business but after that period their newest positions in google, changed totally the way their business runs, getting overwhelm with all the newest clients and monthly growing more and more... SEO is NOT cheap but with SEO Miami it's a secure way to after this investment your business just grow to a level you've never experienced before.

Water Damage miami
Seo Service + Web design
Water damage Miami a restoration company located in Davie,FL they didn't know much about Online Marketing and how they can bring new clients to their company. Here's where they contact SEO Miami, and we proceed to check their website, research their potential main keywords, and then started recreating all their new website, boost in-content with all their main new keywords, and some extra "SEO Magic", and after the third month as usual with our Clients, they started ranking for their main keywords in Google and getting new customers every week. Main keyword: Water Damage Miami - #1 Google.
(Traffic Worth to get same amount of visitors but paying google for ads: 3k/month)
Seo Service + Web design
AssetColumn a Real Estate Investment Company a huge idea, with very ambitious goals, this company reached us trying to get #1 For Worldwide keywords, they wanted to be #1 For not a single location meaning general keywords as: "Wholesale houses, Wholesale properties, Wholesale Real Estate" this is one of our biggest projects ever (2 Years of Work). Nowadays their traffic increased 500% and their main keywords are: Wholesale houses, wholesale properties, and +3000 More that are ranking high in Google. Right now this project is #1 Nationwide Website for Real Estate Investments.
(Traffic Worth to get same amount of visitors but paying google for ads: 8.9k/month)

Seo Service + Web design
Needtosellmyhousefast Real Estate Company that helps sellers to get a quick offer their property. With needtosellmyhousefast we started with a basic design and some of our SEO tricks to start seeing some results after couple of months, their website growth and right now is one of the main website for desperate sellers that needs an offer for their properties. Main Keywords: Need to sell my house, Sell my house, +3000 Keywords in Google.
(Traffic Worth to get same amount of visitors but paying google for ads: 21.9k/month)
SEO Service + Web design
House Painting Company that wanted to get their website on top of google whenever someone types in google House painting services, house painting company, etc... we needed to re-do their website, find new keywords for them and start creating the website in a way that google understands what's their website about also we add some SEO Powder on top to make it rank #1 For Miami House Painting Services, Miami House Painting, etc,etc...
(Traffic Worth to get same amount of visitors but paying google for ads: 5.9k/month)

Seo Service
Online company that creates automatic websites for Real Estate Investors this project had an already SEO Friendly Website but not ranking in Google, we proceed finding new main keywords, and started to place them all around their web content + we use our writers to create content every week so google sees that their website is being updated with new potential information every week. Nowadays their database of users is huge and their being profitable after the 4th Month of using SEO Miami as their Marketing Agency.
(Traffic Worth to get same amount of visitors but paying google for ads: 3.2k/month)
Seo Service + Web design
Sellhousefast is a client referred from they started with us 100% convinced how and when our services will start to show results. Sellhousefast is a Nationwide Company that finds buyers for sellers that submits their property information in their website. we need to re-do their website, find new main keywords and start to boost their results for "Sell my house", "Get an offer for my house", etc... after their third month they started ranking for multiple keywords and getting their website becoming more popular in the real estate investing niche.
(Traffic Worth to get same amount of visitors but paying google for ads: 12.9k/month)